~ Smokin' Joe's Fire Engine Rentals! - We Put The "S" In Smokin'!

What's New?

If you want to be in the "know" about the latest happenings at Smokin' Joe's, then you’ve come to the right place! Facebook is the spot to learn about upcoming events, new products and special discounts and promotions that we offer. Make sure you become a friend to get the latest updates!
You can also sign up to be on our e-mail list and we will send you updates periodically.

Here’s what’s new:

Coming in soon we will be offering tours!

Tell a friend and check it out!

For recent news and information, or to connect with us, please be sure to check out our new Facebook Page!

We would really appreciate if you took the time to sign up to be our friend in facebook. Thank you and best wishes!

© 2008 Smokin' Joe's Fire Engine Rentals LLC. All rights reserved. Book an Appointment!
~ Phone: 617-833-9913 - Fax Number: 617-472-0694 - Email: joe@firetruckrides.com
Site Designed by BostonWeb - Graphics by Three Twins